Carl Pullein – Time And Life Mastery 2021

$40.00$129.99 (-69%)

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This is a course that will transform your life. I have put over 25 years worth of experience into it and I know what you learn in this course works.


Carl Pullein – Time And Life Mastery 2021

Carl Pullein - Time And Life Mastery 2021

Check it out: Carl Pullein – Time And Life Mastery 2021

Completely re-recorded with new lessons and materials. The most transformational Time And Life Mastery course just became even more transformational.

”Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.”

– Benjamin Franklin

Do you know exactly where you are going with your life? Do you have a set of goals that excite you? And do you know what you need to do each day to get you there? 

That’s what Time And Life Mastery is all about. It’s a course designed to help you discover exactly what you want out of life and show you how to get there by taking the necessary steps along the way.

Life Mastery

In this course you start by creating a list of the 50 things you want to do, see and be in the next ten years and you answer five fundamental questions about what kind of life you want to build for yourself. Once you know what you want, we then create a vision timeline that will become your guide over the following years.

Time Mastery

Once you know what you want, we then need to build a strategy to get you there. We do that by building a time management system that will keep you focused on what is important, ensure that you are moving along your vision timeline and reaching the milestones you have set yourself.

This is a course that will transform your life. I have put over 25 years worth of experience into it and I know what you learn in this course works.

So get yourself enrolled and begin your journey towards achievement, happiness and transformation.

What you get

  • FREE Time And Life Mastery Workbook

    Download the Time And Life mastery Workbook to guide you through the course.

  • Lifetime Access

    Once you enrol in the course you never lose​ the course. You will have a guaranteed lifetime access to all the content.

  • FREE Weekly Learning Note

    Every week, you will receive a learning note in your email helping to keep you motivated and on track to become better organised and more productive.

  • Learn from a master

    With over 25 years experience of working with productivity and time management, you can be assured all the learning points have been thoroughly read-tested.

  • FREE regular updates

    This course gets updated and once you are enrolled you will get these for free for life as well as additional lessons that will come out from time to time.

  • Learn The Time Sector System

    New for 2021, this course now includes a full lesson on creating your own Time Sector System.

Master your time and your life with Time And Life Mastery.

 I created Time and Life Mastery because I want to help people regain control of their lives. It is a course created to help you get your life back. To become the master of your own time and your own life, so you can prioritise what is important to you and focus on the things that will help you accomplish the goals you want to accomplish with the people you want to accomplish them with.

The course is split into two parts spread out over four days. The first part focuses on life management. How to make sure you are prioritising what is important in your life and not someone else’s. It shows you how to discover what is important to you and introduces you to the Vision Timeline. A great tool you can use to keep you on track, and motivated, towards achieving what you want to achieve.

The second part deals with time, how you can get the most out of your time so you get what is important done, while at the same time creating enough time to rest and relax because without sufficient rest and relaxation you will never perform at your best.

This course will give you the tools and know-how to get back in control of your own life, and take you towards achieving the things you want to achieve through a little planning and time. It is a commitment you will have to make, but it is a commitment for your future, your life and not someone else’s. Can you afford not to make that commitment?

Course curriculum:

1. Day 1 – Life Mastery

• Welcome To The Next Step.
• The Time And Life Mastery Workbook Download
• What Do You Want?
• What Do You Want To Achieve In Your Life? Worksheet
• The 5 Questions
• The Five Questions Worksheet
• Who Do You Want To Be?
• Who Do You Want To Be?
• Your 50 Things.
• 50 Things Worksheet
• What Do You Have To Change?
• How To Become More Self-Aware
• What Are Your Governing values
• Your Governing Values
• Day 1 Review

2. Day 2 – Life Mastery

• Your Achievement Timeline
• The Vision Of The Life You Want
• Your Vision Roadmap
• Vision Roadmap Timeline
• Bringing it together
• Converting your vision road map into achievable goals
• 4 Steps to goals
• Goal Planning samples
• Goal Planning Guide
• Your Goals Must Align With Each Other and Your Governing Values
• Turning Your Hows Into Habits
• Developing The Right Habits
• No matter what you want, you will have to take action
• Why You Need To Be Doing The Reviews
• Review your progress regularly.
• Day 2 Review
• Life Mastery Next Actions

3. Day 3 – Life Mastery

• Welcome To Day 3
• The Time Sector System & COD
• The Time Sector Workbook
• 2+8 Prioritisation
• Daily Planning
• Daily Priority Workflow
• Time blocking
• Time Blocking.
• Handling Distractions.
• Why You Should Keep A Journal
• How To Set Up A Journal In Evernote
• Review of Day 3
• Areas Of Focus Workbook

4. Day 4 – Life Mastery

• Introduction to Day 4
• What Are Your Majors and Minors?
• Self development time
• Learn To Say No To Protect Your Time
• The Power Of PACT
• Take The PACT Course
• Patience, Action, Consistency and Time. P.A.C.T.
• Managing The Bad Days
• If Your Day Goes Wrong…
• Don’t Try And Do Too Much At Once
• Day 4 Review
• Time Mastery Next Actions.

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Carl Pullein - Time And Life Mastery 2021

Carl Pullein - Time And Life Mastery 2021

$40.00$129.99 (-69%)

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