Oliver Taza – No Gi Leglocks


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No Gi Leglocks starts with detailed instructions on how to dominate the leglock positional game, and then we move into the entries, finishes, counters


Oliver Taza – No Gi Leglocks (1080p)

Oliver Taza - No Gi Leglocks (1080p)

Check it out: Oliver Taza – No Gi Leglocks (1080p)

This instructional has 8 sections of pure instruction covering every stage of the leglock game. The material is logically and clearly laid out so that it’s easy to get better at this stuff as fast as possible!

No Gi Leglocks starts with detailed instructions on how to dominate the leglock positional game, and then we move into the entries, finishes, counters, drills and strategies you need so that you’ll always know what you should do next in the leg entanglement battle.

Watch this instructional today and tap out more people tomorrow!

Section 1 – Controlling the Leglock Positions

Introduction to No Gi Leglocks

The Single Leg X Control Position

Single Leg X Offbalancing in 3 Steps

Single Leg X Rollthrough to Outside Ashi

Single Leg X Transition to the False X

The Saddle Control Position

Troubleshooting the Saddle Position

Transitioning Between Leglock Controls

Section 2 – Leglock Entries From the Bottom vs Standing and Kneeling

Entry vs Standing – Instep Guard

Entry vs Standing – Pull and Push

Entry vs Kneeling – Double Unders Elevation

Entry vs Kneeling – Pull and Push

Entry vs Kneeling – The Armdrag

Section 3 – Leglock Entries from Submissions and Drills

Leglock Entry from Armbar

Leglock Entry from Triangle Choke

Leglock Entry from Omoplata

Key Points for Entries from Bottom

Two Drills to Improve Your Inversion Entries

Section 4 – Leglock Entries from Top and Standing

Entry from Top – Frame and Wrap

Entry from Top – From Leg Drag

Entry from Top – Modified Backstep

Entry from Top vs Butterfly Guard

Entry from Top – 3 Spinning Entries

Standing Entry – Snapdown and Slide

Entry vs Standing – Single Leg

Entry vs Standing – Rolling Entry

Section 5 – Heel Hook Finishes and Followups

How to Train Heel Hooks Safely

Finishing the Inside Heel Hook

Finishing the Outside Heel Hook

Rollthrough Followup to Outside Ashi

Rollthrough Followup to Same Leg Saddle

Rollthrough Followup to the Back

Rollthrough Followup to Opposite Side Saddle

Combat Base Saddle Heel Hook Finish Options

Combat Base Saddle to Guard Pass Options

Combat Base Saddle to Kimura Options

Section 6 – Leglock Counters

Single Leg X Counter from Standing

Single Leg X Counter on the Mat

Outside Ashi Counter

Saddle Counter

Attacking from 50/50

Section 7 – More Leglock Drills

Single Leg X Off-balancing Drill

Back Step Speed Drill

Leg Switching Drill

Counter and Transition Drill

Positional Sparring Overview


Section 8 – Bonus Lessons

Bonus 1 – Oliver Taza’s Favorite Leglock

Bonus 2 – Tactic and Strategy Over Technique

Bonus 3 – Recovering from a Smashed Kani Basami

Who is Stephan Kesting?

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Oliver Taza - No Gi Leglocks (1080p)

Oliver Taza - No Gi Leglocks