MED – Wilderness First Aid Basics

$45.00$149.00 (-70%)

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We’ve designed the class to equal about eight hours of classroom time, though it may take you more or less time to complete depending on your pacing.


MED – Wilderness First Aid Basics

MED - Wilderness First Aid Basics

Check it out: MED – Wilderness First Aid Basics

Don’t venture out without knowing how to take care of yourself in the woods. Learn how to handle common medical problems and make smart decisions during emergency situations in the wilderness via this self-paced, online first aid course. Because it’s much more than knowing how to put on a Band-Aid.

Would you know what to do if you or your adventure partner got hurt more than an hour away from medical care? This self-paced online course, presented by BACKPACKER magazine and Mountain Education & Development LLC, will give you the skills to handle common medical problems and make smart decisions during emergency situations in the wilderness.

This is the first time this kind of emergency training has been available from a trusted source in an online format. Learn from anywhere, at your own pace, on your own schedule. You’ll head out on your next adventure ready to play hard and stay safe.

What you’ll learn

This Wilderness First Aid Basics course will provide you with a foundational knowledge of common medical and traumatic problems that may occur in a wilderness setting. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Understand what makes first aid in the wilderness special
  • Evaluate the difference between non-urgent, urgent, and emergency situations
  • Identify and manage the most common non-urgent backcountry injuries and illnesses (including sprains, strains, blisters, cuts, burns, and more)
  • Recognize and appropriately manage urgent injuries and illnesses in a backcountry setting (including broken bones, dehydration, allergic reactions, and more)
  • Enlist help from higher levels of emergency wilderness response (EMS, search and rescue, etc.).

How the course works

The Wilderness First Aid Basics course is self-paced, meaning you can start at any time, and take as long as you need to finish. You’ll learn through a variety of interactive formats, including videos, quizzes, and at-home practice activities. You can go back and review the materials at any time; once you’ve purchased the class, it’s yours forever.

We’ve designed the class to equal about eight hours of classroom time, though it may take you more or less time to complete depending on your pacing.

Will I get a certification?

Upon completing the class, you’ll earn a Wilderness First Aid Basics certificate you can print and display. This is not the same as the Wilderness First Aid (WFA) certification required by organizations such as the Boy Scouts. It’s just not possible to deliver that level of certification in an online-only format.

01. What is Wilderness Medicine?

• LESSON 1 // How this Course Works
• LESSON 2 // Welcome
• LESSON 3 // What to Expect from this Class
• Self-assessment

02. When to Respond

• Intro to Emergency Situations and Accidents
• LESSON 1 // Scene Safety and Rescuer Safety.
• LESSON 2 // Body Substance Isolation
• LESSON 3 // Establishing a Relationship
• Section review

03. Life Threats

• LESSON 1 // Assessing Life Threats
• LESSON 2 // Airway & Breathing
• LESSON 3 // Circulation
• LESSON 4 // Disability
• LESSON 5 // Environment
• Section review
• Scenario Practice 1

04. Secondary Assessment

• Intro to Secondary Assessment
• LESSON 1 // The Head-to-Toe Exam
• LESSON 2 // Patient History (SAMPLE)
• LESSON 3 // Documenting What You Find
• Section Review
• Scenario Practice 2

05. Make a Plan

• LESSON 1 // When to Stay or Go
• LESSON 2 // Stay & Play
• LESSON 3 // Treat & Retreat
• LESSON 4 // Enlist & Assist
• Section Review

06. Environmental Injuries

• Introduction
• LESSON 1 // Heat-Related Illnesses
• LESSON 2 // Cold-related Illnesses & Injuries
• LESSON 3 // Lightning
• LESSON 4 // Animal Bites & Stings
• Section review

07. Wounds

• LESSON 1 // Bleeding
• LESSON 2 // Burns
• LESSON 3 // Blisters & Splinters
• LESSON 4 // Wilderness Wound Management
• Section Review

08. Musculoskeletal Injuries

• LESSON 1 // Athletic Injuries
• LESSON 2 // Fractures
• Section Review

09. Abdominal Illness & Injuries

• LESSON 1 // Assessment
• LESSON 2 // Treatment & Evacuation
• Section Review

10. Course Wrap-Up

• Concluding Thoughts
• LESSON 1 // Equipment & Supplies
• LESSON 2 // Final Scenario Practice 3
• LESSON 3 // Exit Survey & Certificate
• LESSON 4 // What’s Next?

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MED - Wilderness First Aid Basics

MED - Wilderness First Aid Basics

$45.00$149.00 (-70%)

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