Marc Summers – 98 Ways To Stop Masturbating


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How to create and stick to an action plan that will ensure your success in not masturbating anymore.


Marc Summers - 98 Ways to stop masturbating

Marc Summers – 98 Ways To Stop Masturbating

Check it out: Marc Summers – 98 Ways to stop masturbating

– How to make the ideal you so compelling that you’ll have no choice but to move toward the person you ultimately want to be.

– How to stop deceiving yourself and “tricking” yourself into masturbating.

– How to create and stick to an action plan that will ensure your success in not masturbating anymore.

– How to raise your standards and create rules for yourself so that masturbation is no longer an option.

– How to actually change yourself so that not only your habits will change, but also your entire life.

– How to make the whole process of ending your habit of masturbation simple so that you’re more likely to stick to it.

– How to train your brain so that your mind automatically doesn’t want to masturbate anymore.

– How habits actually work, why they’re so powerful, and sometimes hard to control.

– How your brain actually works and how it responds to getting rid of bad habits and how it is affected when you develop a new and positive habit.

– How to get your brain and body to heal from years of excessive masturbation.

– How to become more aware of your habits and routines so you can predict and stop an episode of masturbation right in it’s tracks.

– How to actually convince yourself to not want to masturbate anymore.

– How to make your mind a better place so that masturbation is the last thing you think of.

– Several habits that very successful people do on a regular basis to pull them towards the things they do want and keep them away from the things they don’t want.

– How to make not masturbating anymore “inevitable”.

– What to do with your sexual energy instead of using it to masturbate.

– How to tell yourself “no” and redirect your mind when you want to masturbate.

– How to take direct action and protect you from yourself when you feel the urge to masturbate.

– Exactly what habits you need to change so that you can minimize the chance of you wanting to masturbate.

– How to get your mind on a different page completely so that you can counteract your desire to masturbate when it comes up. (less)

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Marc Summers - 98 Ways to stop masturbating

Marc Summers – 98 Ways To Stop Masturbating