Larry Goldfarb – Articulating Changes

$14.00$35.00 (-60%)

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Articulating Changes offers an explicit, clear framework for understanding the method developed by Moshe Feldenkrais. Using a systemic approach that borrows concepts from cybernetics – like contraints and feedback – Larry develops a model for understanding how the Feldenkrais Method® works. Each chapter interweaves case studies with the concepts, illustrating these ideas in a remarkably readable way.


[1 eBook – PDF]



Larry Goldfarb - Articulating Changes

Larry Goldfarb – Articulating Changes

Check it out: Larry Goldfarb – Articulating Changes

Articulating Changes: Preliminary notes to a theory for Feldenkrais®, is Larry Goldfarb’s Master’s thesis in Cybernetic Systems (San Jose State University, 1990).

Articulating Changes offers an explicit, clear framework for understanding the method developed by Moshe Feldenkrais. Using a systemic approach that borrows concepts from cybernetics – like contraints and feedback – Larry develops a model for understanding how the Feldenkrais Method® works. Each chapter interweaves case studies with the concepts, illustrating these ideas in a remarkably readable way.

This e-book is available only at mindinmotion-online!

What one reader had to say:

“I wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying reading
ARTICULATING CHANGES. I love the way that in each chapter you create a curiosity for the following chapter, and the case studies are a wonderful example of the information you are trying to convey. (It’s great to read about how you work with people, too.) I am learning about cybernetics, plus getting ideas of ways to talk more clearly about this method. Thank you for this clearly articulated explanation of the method!”

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Larry Goldfarb - Articulating Changes

Larry Goldfarb - Articulating Changes

$14.00$35.00 (-60%)

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