Film Editing Pro – The Art Of Drama Editing PRO

$85.00$997.00 (-91%)

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We’ve taken years of combined editing experience and compiled the best secrets, editing strategies, techniques, workflows and shortcuts.


Film Editing Pro – The Art Of Drama Editing PRO

Film Editing Pro - The Art Of Drama Editing PRO

Check it out: Film Editing Pro – The Art Of Drama Editing PRO

Edit a Full Feature-Length Film

Master the Creative & the Technical This course will guide you through editing a feature film — from technical skills to creative techniques with a professional workflow to support the entire process

Editing Skills For All Projects & Genres

  • Elegant Storytelling
  • Professional Sound Design
  • Useful Visual Effects
  • Seamless Transitions

40+ 1080p HD Tutorials with Over 14 Hours of Training

  • A Complete Set of 1080p Feature-Film Dailies
  • Hands-on Editing Lessons
  • Multiple Homework Assignments
  • Premium Music & Sound Libraries
Real Hollywood Instructors
Get a unique opportunity to learn exactly how a professional editor works

Decades of Combined Experience

Get access to cutting-edge training from some of the best editors working in the entertainment industry right now. We’ve taken years of combined editing experience and compiled the best secrets, editing strategies, techniques, workflows and shortcuts.

30+ Hours of Beautifully Shot HD Practice Footage
Download an entire set of production dailies for a feature film
Professional source material is essential. We’re incredibly excited to offer you access to 1100+ shots build this film along with us. Since our goal is to take your editing skills as far as possible, we are providing you with only the best quality source footage to edit.

Step-by-Step Training

Lessons are designed to teach you creative editing skills you can use on any project


Lesson 1: Welcome to The Art of Drama Editing

An overview of the course and everything that you’ll be learning in the next 40+ lessons Length – 1:04

Lesson 2: Introduction to Drama Editing

Learn why dramatic themes are central to every type of story and how this impacts your edit Length – 2:59


Lesson 3: Filmmaking Essentials for Editors

An editor’s look at the filmmaking process to improve your understanding of source materials & coverage Length – 23:03

Lesson 4: Deconstructing Facial Expressions & Body Language

Dive into the nuance of human expression to help choose the best takes and performances for each moment Length – 17:17

Lesson 5: Understanding Film Story Structure

A breakdown of the 12 story stages in the linear narrative in an easily understandable way Length – 15:36


Lesson 6: Project Overview

An overview of the hands-on editing portion of the course and how it’s organized Length – 2:11

Lesson 7: Downloading Your Files

There’s a lot to download for this project, so we’ll be guiding you through the process Length – 2:31

Lesson 8: Importing the Footage, Music & Sound

Best practices for importing your files in preparation to begin the editing part of this course Length – 5:36

Lesson 9: Feature Film Organization Techniques

Learn how to properly manage the large amount of media required for a feature-length film Length – 6:14

Lesson 10: Setting Up a Feature Film Timeline

Create an organized timeline that meets the unique requirements for cutting a project of this size & length Length – 4:36

Lesson 11: Reviewing the Script & Watching the Film

Here you’ll learn about story and characters in the film you’ll be cutting along with us Length – 4:26

Lesson 12: Film Production Realities

Gain insight into the realities of film production and how that affects your post-production workflow Length – 6:20

Lesson 13: Creating Feature Breakdowns & Selects

Learn how professional editors arrange footage, quickly review all the takes and find the best performances Length – 21:31

Lesson 14: Cutting the First Scene

It’s time to start editing and cut your first scene from the film together with us Length – 36:59

Lesson 15: Cutting the Argument at the Hotel

Cut another part of the film with us and see the dramatic considerations to take with arguments & anger Length – 16:26

Lesson 16: Cutting the Love Scene in the Treehouse

Edit with us as we cut a love scene and discuss actor eyelines and blocking Length – 28:41


Lesson 17: Deconstructing the Dramatic Montage

Learn the proper techniques for crafting this emotional and widely-used film component Length – 11:23

Lesson 18: Editing Your Own Montage

Edit with us as we craft a dramatic montage sequence set to music Length – 32:31

Lesson 19: Flashbacks & Dream Sequences

Explore how to edit flashbacks & dream sequences and the functions they play in an edit Length – 16:24

Lesson 20: Interweaving Storylines with Cross-cutting

Edit with us as we combine two different sections from the film using cross-cutting Length – 33:18

Lesson 21: Smoothing Connections in a Cross-cut Sequence – Part 1

Learn how to make a cross-cut sequence play smoothly by fine-tuning both picture & sound Length – 23:31

Lesson 22: Smoothing Connections in a Cross-cut Sequence – Part 2

Getting multiple cross-cut scenes to combine naturally is easier said than done! Part 2 continues the process. Length – 26:11


Lesson 23: Using Sound to Simulate Thoughts & Memories

Learn how to show what a character is thinking without hearing them speaking Length – 5:41

Lesson 24: Deconstructing a Thought Simulation Sequence

Analyzing the sound design and audio effects used to convincingly simulate a character’s thoughts Length – 24:47

Lesson 25: Bringing a Scene to Life with Foley – Building the Cut

Edit with us as we rough cut a scene to prepare for foley and sound design work Length – 15:24

Lesson 26: Bringing a Scene to Life with Foley – Layering the Sound

Learn to build a realistic and immersive world with layers of foley and background sounds Length – 37:42

Lesson 27: Cutting with Style & Imagination – Picture

Edit with us to create a different edit that veers off script but creates more impact Length – 24:19

Lesson 28: Cutting with Style & Imagination – Sound & Music

Add layers of sound and music to enhance the drama already present in the footage Length – 31:10


Lesson 29: The Mechanics of Scene Pacing & Timing

Learn how to determine which scenes to cut faster, slower and everything in between Length – 16:43

Lesson 30: Pacing a Cut Three Different Ways

Watch as we demonstrate 3 pacing variations of a cut and discuss how and why the edit changes Length – 25:49

Lesson 31: Assembling the Feature

Follow along as we combine all of the edit scenes into a master feature timeline Length – 6:44

Lesson 32: Basic Scoring Techniques

How to “spot” and score the film – plus learn techniques for upcutting and extending music Length – 30:51

Lesson 33: Crafting Effective Film Transitions

Learn the roles of transitions, when to enhance them and when to keep them hidden Length – 11:35

Lesson 34: Smoothing Transitions Between Our Scenes

Edit with us as we smooth and refine the scene transitions throughout the film Length – 25:02


Lesson 35: The Audio Mixing Process

Mixing can be tricky but we’ll be showing you exactly how ensure your cuts sound as good as they look Length – 9:12

Lesson 36: Color Correction & Grading

Learn the theory and principles behind color correction and grading your footage plus best practices for each Length – 39:39

Lesson 37: Outputting Your Film for Presentation & Delivery

You’ll learn some best practices for outputting a feature film to deliver or present to a client Length – 4:18

Lesson 38: Reviewing Key Lessons Learned

A quick review of the most important concepts and ideas that we covered in the course Length – 2:14

Lesson 39: Next Steps

We’ll be giving you some ideas and suggestions for taking your training further into the future Length – 3:24


PRO Lesson: Travel Scenes & Cutting the Invisible Journey

Learn how to edit travel scenes plus how to cut an “invisible” one when footage is lacking & budget is tight Length – 13:48

PRO Lesson: When, Why and How to Use Jump Cuts

Here we’ll dissect the jump cut and learn how to use them effectively in a scene from our film Length – 51:33

PRO Lesson: Using Split Screens to Adjust Scene Timing

We’ll show you both the easy and advanced version of this technique to re-time performances Length – 35:05

PRO Lesson: Sending Out Turnovers to VFX, Sound & Color

How to prep & send out materials to VFX, sound & color departments Length – 35:06

PRO Lesson: Conforming & QC’ing Turnovers in Your Timeline

How to receive and integrate your VFX, sound & color turnovers back into your feature timeline Length – 25:26

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Film Editing Pro - The Art Of Drama Editing PRO

Film Editing Pro - The Art Of Drama Editing PRO

$85.00$997.00 (-91%)

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