Briohny Smyth – AloMoves – Ladder Flows For Strength


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Ladder flows are different than your typical Vinyasa classes because of their sequencing. They begin with two postures, steadily adding two new movements per round.


Briohny Smyth – AloMoves – Ladder Flows For Strength

Briohny Smyth - AloMoves - Ladder Flows For Strength

Check it out: Briohny Smyth – AloMoves – Ladder Flows For Strength

Build heat and cultivate strength as you move through a beautifully sequenced and continuous flow.
Ladder flows are different than your typical Vinyasa classes because of their sequencing. They begin with two postures, steadily adding two new movements per round. At the end of each class, you’ll have memorized a complete flow and received a great, full-body workout!
This series adds a fun twist to the original Ladder Flows plan because not only are the classes longer, but it adds strength-building holds and poses into each round. So as we add new postures to our sequences, we’ll pause in dolphin, plank, or crow to develop muscular strength and stability. You’ll notice as you repeat these classes that the holds become easier and new variations feel within reach!

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Briohny Smyth - AloMoves - Ladder Flows For Strength

Briohny Smyth - AloMoves - Ladder Flows For Strength